
This website uses one of the most advanced app techniques called PWA. You can use it on your smartphone, tablet or even desktop. Unfortunately not all browsers are prepared for this new technique. Some of them have only implemented it partially. Below you will find some instructions on how to optimize your use of our documentation app. If you click on iOS you will be passed to a instructional YouTube video.

This site works best on an Android system combined with Google Chrome. It also works on Samsung Internet. On iOS you can use it from iOS version 11.3. We expect that it will become more functional in the next browser updates. Unfortunately we can’t assist any IT problems on this. But we love to help you with our SealEco products.



Though not fully functional, from version 11.3, you can use this app on iOS. With a few clicks via Share you can install this as an app yourself.

Memory Usage Limit

Sometimes about 1GB free space is required to see the prompt. Free up some space and clear the cache to test it again.